The Ender Dragon

In Minecraft, the Ender Dragon serves as the boss located in the End Dimension. To get to the End Dimension, it requires quite a few steps:


You will need to craft at least 16 ender eyes to help guide you to the Stronghold and fill the End Portal. To craft them, you need 16 blaze powder (8 blaze rods from blazes) and 16 ender pearls (from endermen). You will also need a sword, bow and arrows, 3 stacks of blocks and ladders, a few water buckets, and maybe some beds. You may also want armor to lower the damage you receive from the dragon.

Finding the Stronghold

To find the nearest Stronghold, you will have to throw an ender eye. Pay attention to which direction is traveling and go in that direction. You will also get the ender eye back, but that's not guaranteed. Sometimes, the thrown ender eye would shatter in the air. You need to have at least 12 ender eyes to fill the portal, and that's why you need extra ender eyes. It is recommended that you travel about 200-500 blocks between each ender eye throw. Eventually, throwing an ender eye at a certain location would make it sink into the ground, meaning you found the location of the Stronghold. To get into the Stronghold, mine a staircase down until you find stone brick blocks. Strongholds usually generate at y=30.

Finding the End Portal

In the Stronghold, you will find many staircases and hallways leading to different rooms. Explore every single room and hallway to find the End Portal Room. The End Portal Room looks similar to the 2nd image on this page. When entering this room, be sure to get rid of the spawner in front of the portal to prevent it from spawning silverfish or you will have a bad time. Once you do, fill up the End Portal and you will now have access to the End Dimension. For more information about Strongholds visit this link!

Defeating the Ender Dragon

When you spawn in the End, your spawn will either be burried in end stone or 20 blocks away from the island. If your spawn is far away, use blocks to bridge across the gap. Once you do, go towards the center of the island.

You will notice that there are 8 obsidian pillars with end crystals on top of each. The end crystals provide healing to the Ender Dragon, so you will need to destroy them first. You can use a bow and arrow to shoot at an end crystal if you are good at aiming. Some pillars have iron bars encasing the end crystals. To do that, destroy the cage with your pickaxe. While destroying each ender crystal, watch out for the Ender Dragon's attacks. Once you destroy all of the crystals, it's time to take down the Ender Dragon.

While dodging the dragon's attacks, use a bow and arrow when she flies and a sword and beds when she flies to the center. The Ender Dragon has 200 HP, so she will take a while to defeat.

Upon defeating the Ender Dragon, she will drop 5,000-12,000 experience points and the Ender Dragon egg.

Ender Eye Recipe Portal Room Ender Dragon Ender Dragon is dead

The Wither

Out of every mob in the game, the Wither has the most health at 300 HP. The good part about this boss is that it drops one of the rarest items you can get in survival Minecraft. Here is the step-by-step process to defeat it:


To summon the Wither you will need 4 soul sand and 3 wither skeleton skulls. The wither skeleton skulls can rarely drop from wither skeletons in the Nether Fortress and the soul sand can be found in the Soul Sand Valley biomes. To fight it, you will need a sword and a bow as well as armor and some healing items to keep you alive during the fight.

Fighting the Wither

Before you fight it, find a place far away from your base and other villages. If placed near any of these places, the Wither will kill any nearby mobs. When you find a good place to summon it, place 4 soul sand in a T-shape and put 3 wither skeleton skulls on top of the soul sand. If done correctly, the game will spawn the Wither in that location.

Right before the fight starts, the Wither charges up briefly before it causes a big explosion. Back away from it as fast as you can. At the beginning, start by shooting it with a bow and arrow. Watch your step as you shoot at the Wither because it shoots projectiles at you. The black skulls deal normal damage and the blue skulls deal wither damage to you if you're too close. At the halfway point, the Wither creates a shield to block your arrows and it will descend to the ground. When you deal damage to it with your sword, the Wither will cause explosions and break blocks in its vicinity. It will damage your armor easily and you will take lots of damage, so healing items are crucial here.

Once you defeat the Wither, it will drop a nether star, which is used for making beacons.

Wither Recipe Wither Location Wither