Hi, my name is Gaaya.


I'm a sophomore at PCH and I enjoy organization and planning. My passion is making my studying more effective, so that I get good grades but also have time for my hobbies. This blog is all about that! If you want cool tips about studying, productivity, and stationery, you've come to the right place. Head over to the blog pages for weekly tips and tricks about studying! I hope you enjoy this blog :)


I'm a a part of the PCH speech and debate team, and captain of the varsity policy debate team. Outside of school, I play chess competitively. This summer I got to represent Missouri at the Virtual National Girls Chess Invitational (I lost pretty badly though 😂). I also participate in traditional Indian Dance. I love art, although I don't have space in my schedule to take it this year. I love cooking and baking yummy things in my free time.