Avid Artist

Digital Gallery

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Autumn Forest
Blush Work
Running From
Witches Familiar
Reading interupted
Floating Magic Man

A few words

Here are some of my favorite digital works. Most of these are fairly recent, and took around an hour (sometimes more, depending). My favorite piece has to be the Autumn Forest. While I didn't make these with specific names in mind, I feel that one still fits.

My favorites

I have a lot of drawings, most of them very old and not the best or worth displaying anywhere, but I do enjoy my works from time to time! I would say my favorite on the gallery above is "Blush Work", "Reading Interrupted" (which you can find a demo for here) and "Autumn Forest".

"Blush work" was just originally that, a work in different ways to apply blush, but I really liked how the character turned out (even if he doesn't have any distinguishing features). He was just meant to be a quick sketch, but I'm quite fond of how his hair turned out and his color pallete!

"Reading Interrupted" was a name I chose to put in as a temp more than anything but it stuck. While I really liked how this one turned out and it's a more recent piece of mine in which I was working on lighting, it offers up a few questions. First off, how would he read in such little light? What interrupted him? What's outside of his window, what is he looking at? All of which I really didn't think about.

Autumn Forest was me trying to figure out just how to draw a forest. I've never been good at landscapes, mostly because I've never tried to learn. Either way, I love the mystery of this, and the little man in the background. I drew this while I was in a fall mood, because autumn has to be one of my favorite seasons- the cool weather, the pretty trees. And I really like the fog.